Director of Finance

Welcome to the Latest Job Vacancies Site 2024 and at this time we would like to inform you of the Latest Job Vacancies from the Four Seasons with the position of Director of Finance - Four Seasons which was opened this.

If this job matches your qualifications, please send your application directly through our latest Job site. Indeed, every job is not easy to apply because it must meet several qualifications and requirements that we must meet in accordance with the standard criteria of the Company who are looking for potential candidates to work. Good job information Director of Finance - Four Seasons below matches your qualifications. Good Luck: D

Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues Geneva blends a revitalized sense of history with warm and genuine personal service in the very heart of the city....

Hamster Kombat

About Four Seasons:

Four Seasons is powered by our people. We are a collective of individuals who crave to become better, to push ourselves to new heights and to treat each other as we wish to be treated in return. Our team members around the world create amazing experiences for our guests, residents, and partners through a commitment to luxury with genuine heart. We know that the best way to enable our people to deliver these exceptional guest experiences is through a world-class employee experience and company culture.

At Four Seasons, we believe in recognizing a familiar face, welcoming a new one and treating everyone we meet the way we would want to be treated ourselves. Whether you work with us, stay with us, live with us or discover with us, we believe our purpose is to create impressions that will stay with you for a lifetime. It comes from our belief that life is richer when we truly connect to the people and the world around us.

About the location:

A landmark on lake Geneva since 1834. With enchanting views of the lake and the snow-capped Alps in the distance as well as the Old Town, Geneva’s first hotel remains the first choice of sophisticated travellers and world statesmen. Come and unwind from your day with a treatment at our rooftop Spa, and build connections with colleagues over Italian gastronomy at Michelin-starred Il Lago before retreating to your Pierre-Yves Rochon–designed room for a good night’s sleep. Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues Geneva blends a revitalized sense of history with warm and genuine personal service in the very heart of the city.

Le directeur des finances fait partie du comité de direction de lhôtel qui prend collectivement les décisions stratégiques et opérationnelles clés pour lhôtel. Il est responsable de la sauvegarde des actifs et des ressources financières de lhôtel et contribue à maximiser la rentabilité de létablissement. Il fournit des informations et des conseils financiers précis et opportuns à la direction de lhôtel (et aux propriétaires) et veille à ce que lhôtel fonctionne dans le respect de toutes les politiques et procédures locales et de lentreprise, ainsi que des termes du contrat de gestion et de tout autre accord applicable (par exemple, les accords de prêt). Il est également responsable du développement du personnel du service des finances afin de contribuer à la croissance future de lentreprise.


  • Fournir en permanence un travail de très haut niveau en ce qui concerne lanalyse et les rapports financiers, la conformité au contrôle interne et la gestion de lentreprise. Veiller à ce que cela soit fait avec intégrité et précision.
  • Veiller à la préparation dun rapport mensuel complet sur lensemble des résultats financiers de lhôtel dans les formats établis par lentreprise et conformément aux principes comptables généralement acceptés.
  • Tenir les dossiers de tous les contrats, baux et accords et veiller au respect de leurs exigences ; sassurer quune autorisation appropriée a été obtenue pour tous les contrats spécifiques à lhôtel (y compris lingénierie), les baux et autres accords et que les offres concurrentielles figurent dans le dossier, le cas échéant, et sont examinées avant lexécution du contrat.
  • Le cas échéant, sassurer du respect de toutes les clauses restrictives des prêts et que le solde de la dette à long terme est exact et correspond à toutes les pièces justificatives et quil est vérifié lors des paiements.
  • Le directeur des finances doit sassurer de lexactitude du solde impayé et du taux dintérêt applicable, comptabiliser les dépenses dans le poste des charges dintérêt et enregistrer le passif correspondant dans le compte de passif des intérêts courus.
  • Veiller à ce que les rapprochements mensuels de tous les comptes du bilan soient préparés et approuvés conformément à la politique.
  • Examiner et approuver tous les rapprochements bancaires mensuels, en accordant une attention particulière aux éléments de rapprochement.
  • Suivre de près et gérer efficacement les coûts de main-dœuvre ; planifier efficacement les vacances et veiller à ce que des niveaux de service adéquats soient fournis dans le respect des normes de travail, tout en réduisant au minimum les heures supplémentaires.
  • Préparer les prévisions et les budgets requis localement, par le siège ou par laccord de gestion.
  • Sassurer que les gains/pertes sur la vente/la cession dactifs immobilisés sont correctement divulgués et enregistrés dans létat de lévolution de la situation financière et dans le compte de résultat.
  • Soutenir, encadrer et développer les employés des finances pour aujourdhui et pour lavenir.
  • Entretenir des relations étroites avec les propriétaires de lhôtel/du centre de villégiature et les auditeurs internes/externes et veiller à ce que toutes les recommandations convenues fassent lobjet dune action efficace.
  • Traiter toutes les questions disciplinaires de manière cohérente et veiller à ce que chaque problème soit documenté de manière appropriée.
  • Organiser des réunions de service efficaces ; communiquer de manière appropriée et mener à bien toutes les actions à entreprendre.
  • Aider le directeur général à établir des politiques, des règles, des contrôles internes et des mesures de protection.
« La liste des tâches précisées ci-dessus n’est pas exhaustive, votre fonction supposera une adaptation constante à des situations de forte activité et de gestion spécifique de relations clients ».


  • 3 à 5 ans dexpérience dans des fonctions similaires dans lhôtellerie de luxe, de préférence pour une société de gestion
  • Très haut niveau dintégrité et de transparence
  • Solides compétences interpersonnelles et relationnelles pour travailler avec des équipes diverses, négocier des ressources et influencer les parties prenantes, ainsi que pour faire accepter des plans, des idées, des initiatives, etc. et obtenir un engagement à leur égard.
  • Excellentes aptitudes à la communication écrite et orale, en français et en anglais, pour préparer et remettre des rapports, faire des présentations efficaces et animer des réunions.
  • Appliquer une approche éthique pour influencer lissue des situations.
  • Connaissance technique pratique des principes comptables généralement acceptés et capacité à travailler avec des systèmes locaux et internationaux.
  • Avoir une connaissance pratique des systèmes et des opérations hôteliers.
  • Être stratégique, analytique et avoir un sens aigu des affaires.

A noter quen raison du grand nombre de candidatures que nous recevons, seuls les profils retenus pour le poste seront contactés pour un commencer un processus d’entretiens.


The Director of Finance forms part of the Hotel Leadership team who collectively make key strategic and operational decisions for the Hotel or Resort. The Director is responsible for safeguarding the hotel assets and financial resources contributing towards maximizing hotel profitability. Provides timely and accurate financial information and counsel to hotel senior management (and ownership) and ensures that the hotel operates within all related local and corporate policies and procedures and under the terms of the management agreement and any other applicable agreements (e.g. loan agreements). Is also responsible for the development of Finance staff to aid the future growth of the company.


  • Continuously deliver the highest level of product with respect to financial reporting and analysis, internal control compliance and business management. Ensure this is done with both integrity and accuracy.
  • Ensure the preparation of a comprehensive monthly report of the entire financial results of the hotel in established corporate formats and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
  • Maintain files on all contracts, leases and agreements and ensure compliance with their requirements; ensure proper authorization has been obtained for all hotel specific contracts (including Engineering), leases and other agreements and competitive bids are on file where applicable and reviewed prior to execution of contract.
  • As applicable, ensure compliance with all loan covenants and the balance of long-term debt is accurate and agrees to all supporting documentation and verified when payments are made.
  • As appropriate, based on the hotels accounting on behalf of owners, interest accruals on long-term debt may be recorded on the hotels books; the Director of Finance should ensure accuracy of the unpaid balance and applicable interest rate, and accrue the expense to the Interest Expense line item and record the corresponding liability in the Accrued Interest liability account. ·
  • Ensure that monthly reconciliations for all balance sheet accounts are prepared and signed off on in accordance with policy. · Review and sign off on all bank reconciliations monthly, paying special attention to reconciling items.
  • Closely monitor and effectively manage labor costs; plan vacations effectively and ensure proper service levels are provided with the labor standards, while minimizing OT
  • Prepare forecasts and budgets as required locally, by corporate office or Management Agreement.
  • Ensure gains/losses on the sale/disposal of fixed assets are properly disclosed and recorded on the Statement of Changes in financial position (SR-25 where applicable) and on the P&L statement
  • Support, mentor and develop finance employees for today and the future.
  • Maintain close relations with hotel’s/resort’s ownership and internal/external auditors and ensure effective action necessary on all agreed upon recommendations.
  • Deal with all disciplinary and grievance matters in a consistent manner and ensure each issue is appropriately documented
  • Conduct effective department meetings; appropriately communicate and complete any action items.
  • Assist General Manager in establishing policies, rules, internal controls and safeguards.

"The lists of tasks specified above are not exhaustive, as your role will require constant adaptation to situations of high activity and specific customer relationship management".


  • 3-5 years experience in similar roles in luxury hospitality, preferably for a management company
  • Highest level of integrity and transparency
  • Strong interpersonal and relationship-building skills to work with cross-functional teams, to negotiate for resources and influence stakeholders and to gain acceptance of and commitment to plans, ideas, initiatives, etc.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, in both French and English, to prepare and deliver reports, effective presentations and to facilitate meetings
  • Apply an ethical approach to influence the outcome of situations ·
  • Require a working technical knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles, and the ability to work with local systems and international systems
  • A working knowledge of hotel systems and operations
  • Strategic, analytical and have solid business acumen.

Please note that due to the large number of applications we receive, only those profiles selected for the position will be contacted to start an interview process.

Information :

  • Company : Four Seasons
  • Position : Director of Finance
  • Location : Geneva, GE
  • Country : CH

How to Submit an Application:

After reading and knowing the criteria and minimum requirements for qualifications that have been explained from the Director of Finance job info - Four Seasons Geneva, GE above, thus jobseekers who feel they have not met the requirements including education, age, etc. and really feel interested in the latest job vacancies Director of Finance job info - Four Seasons Geneva, GE in 28-06-2024 above, should as soon as possible complete and compile a job application file such as a job application letter, CV or curriculum vitae, FC diploma and transcripts and other supplements as described above, in order to register and take part in the admission selection for new employees in the company referred to, sent via the Next Page link below.

Next Process

Attention - In the recruitment process, legitimate companies never withdraw fees from candidates. If there are companies that attract interview fees, tests, ticket reservations, etc. it is better to avoid it because there are indications of fraud. If you see something suspicious please contact us:

Post Date : 28-06-2024